Powerspace Update

"heyyy. first of all, thanks to everyone who came out to the powerspace/kill hannah double door show! that was a great night. particularly exhausting for me doing double duty on guitar for two bands, but a fabulous success nonetheless. thanks to the double door staff for being cool, and the fans for putting up with our studio-weary set. good times.
so it's day 36 of our new record. by day 36 of the last record, I think we were pretty much finished. haha. we've spent the last few days going over live takes of drums, bass, and guitars. lots of good stuff. lots of 'vibe' as our engineer Asim (pronounced "Awesome") would say. Monday our producer Johnny K gets back from LA so we can start experimenting with new sounds for guitar leads and such.
been spending nearly all our time in the studio. haven't seen daylight in a while. the studio has no windows and bad lighting. every time i go outside in the afternoon i feel like Paul Walker in that scene in Varsity Blues when they leave the strip club at 8am and walk out into the glaring sunlight. you know, like...'what time is it?? how long have i been in there???' kind of vibe..
listening back to 'don't stop' right now. just a live take of kevin, jake, max, and i. sounds so cool. i think bands our age don't realize you can record 'live' like this. i never even considered it til I met Johnny K. this sounds really awesome, there's no effects or processing on it, just a take of the four of us playing together. it sounds full, rocking, and best of all - it sounds real. it sounds like 4 buddies rocking out, cuz that's what it is.
Also, Jake found his doppelganger. (Also, you know how when you are typing and trying to listen to something at the same time sometimes you type what you are hearing instead of what you are thinking? Isn't that weird? (I just typed 'territory' instead of 'doppelganger' because Max was saying 'territory' when i was typing)). Anyways, here it is. Apparently Jake has been modeling in his spare time."