Outrun The Gun Split Up

"Hey guys, I want to take a moment to fill you in on what is going on with us. To say there has been a lot going lately would be an understatement. We have been touring heavily for eight months and it has been an awesome and totally exhausting time for us! The love that we have been shown on the road has been astounding and humbling. For that we thank you! With that being said, we will get to the point... As of this summer, we will no longer be a band. To those of you that know us, this probably comes as a shock, it was a shock for us as well."
"We want to give you a little insight into why this decision was made because in all fairness you guys totally deserve to know. Several months ago our bassist Cody left suddenly, he felt as though it was no longer God's will for him to be out on the road with us. It was very shocking as his dedication to this ministry and to the road was astounding and certainly worth mentioning. The Lord immediately offered an answer to the many questions we had in our minds by bringing a new bass player to us that very night. His name is Topher and some of you have witnessed how awesome and sincere he is even within the short time he has been involved with us. During the 3 years OTG has been performing we have had many member changes but three original members always remained constant, Micah, Lee and Chris. That all changed last week when Micah approached the band at practice, he felt as though the Lord was literally pulling him away from OTG. He didn't know why and still might not, but the Lord's will was clear and felt by all. After a weeks worth of prayer and fasting and in some cases several sleepless nights, Chris and Lee stated with heavy hearts their intentions to leave as well. The decision was made to lay OTG to rest."
"The entire goal of this band from start to finish has been to show you that no matter how many people say otherwise, GOD IS REAL AND HE LOVES YOU, HE CAN SAVE YOU FROM WHATEVER IT IS THAT BINDS YOU AND TEARS YOU APART!!! This God we speak offered His only Son Jesus to die for your sins so that you may live a life free of condemnation. There is no other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved. We honestly love every one of you more than we can express and if there is anything that you have gathered from us either at shows or just hanging out, know that God loves you and the only reason we live is so that we can bring Him glory. “ROOMS” is very dear to us and every word we wrote is written to you personally."
We will have a farewell show or two posted shortly, they will be in Ohio. We will also be playing the shows currently posted on our page, still working out some scheduling details with Cornerstone, but we will be there."