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Houston Calls Member Comments on Split

Tom from Houston Calls has commented on the bands recent decision to split up.

The signs were all there. We all pretty much saw this coming it was just a question of how soon or when is enough. Another chapter in my life is finished, but I'd say this was the bulk of the book so far. I think in my head I knew it was getting closer to a time to call it off, but in my heart I wanted it to keep going. Okie and I decided that after losing 2 members if any of the 3 of us remaining were to quit that we'd call it all off. Josh quit. Just worn out of getting friends to fill in, it became more of a joke vacation trip then a goal to reach people. I had some great ideas in my head of music and plan to play with others to get them out. It's probably not my calling but it's definitely something for which I live.

Thanks to my great friends who definitely know who they are. I can't believe the overflow of support I've received in e-mails. It's overwhelming in an incredibly positive way. It was a great run...almost too much fun. Here's to the memories. Here's to Nick Joyce for sticking through something crazy us. He defines loyalty.

Alter The Press!