Gabe Saporta Comments on Millionaires

" me, there is absolutely no money in releasing records. i don’t get shit from millionaires. i just stumbled across them and thought they were hilarious and showed it to crush , so they gave me a credit for it—which i thought was very sweet of them. [i’ve passed along a lot of bands to people in the past and never got any recognition for it. not that it [the recognition] really maters. but the money DEFINITELY doesn’t matter because there is none! (incidentally, pete has never seen a dime from us nor from the majority of the decaydance stuff)]
millionaires are a walking contradiction. deplorable in many ways, and empowering in others. the person who just sees the periphery will not get that. but i dug a little deeper. and i understood the joke and thought it was hilarious . they have attitude. and they don’t take themselves too seriously. i’ll take that any day over some kid singing about his girlfriend.
i really appreciate you being a cobra fan for so long. but just because i like something that you don’t shouldn’t make you not like my band. trust me, i’m sure i like a lot of other music you don’t like. it’s sad that that would make you lose respect for me. but i guess i understand. it’s more of a visceral reaction."
The full blog post can be read here.
cobra starship,
gabe saporta,