Album Review: Mandy K - Mandy K EP

This self-titled 6 song EP is filled up to the brim with energy and adrenaline. Opener 'Plans' is bursts through the speakers with a good tempo and superb vocal delivery from Anthony Musior.
'Save Your Excuses' continues the thriving, upbeat sound, with a bass-driven verse and simple yet affective structure. On top of this add a chorus that will have you singing along in no time.
'Sunflower' is a slow, passionate acoustic number that is touching and charming all the way through to the end, when the full band joins in and finish the track of perfectly. 'Come Back To Bed' is a laid back track, with a calm verse with ballad-like lyrics and wouldn't go a miss on a summer mixtape.
While 'Are You From Tennessee? Cause You're the Only Ten I See' is perhaps the most rocking track on the EP, with loud guitar power chords and steady tempo, with again Musior's vocals shining through. 'While You Were Out' closes the EP, with a similar structure to the latter, a combination of simple structure and well-crafted lyrics.
Mandy K is a very enjoyable EP, especially for fans of bands like The Dangerous Summer and Cute Is What We Aim For. It's not too serious and not too poppy, they have the right balance that results in a band, that are very enjoyable to listen to and leave you wanting more.
'Mandy K EP' by Mandy K is available now.
Mandy K on Myspace
Sean Reid