Album Review: Alexisonfire - Old Crows/Young Cardinals
Lead off single 'Young Cardinals' is a more laid back with Dallas Green's vocals standing out as usual and leading memorable chorus that you will hum in your head for days. As always fierce energy is thriving through Alexisonfire and tracks such as 'Sons of Privilege', 'Born and Raised' and 'No Rest' show this. They are tight, fast and consistent.
A key note to make about 'Old Crows/Young Cardinals' is that it is a much more thought-out and mature record. 'The Northern' goes along at a steady pace, whilst 'Midnight Regulations' is a near-radio friendly track with Green against taking over, and when combined with a driving bass line, you realise anything is possible for Alexisonfire.
'Burial' closes the album; a brooding, haunting number with slow fuzzy keys over strong vocal harmonies and lethargic beat. It is a track that grabs and pulls you in that rounds off the record perfectly.
At times 'Old Crows/Young Cardinals' never seems to slow down and it races through at 100MPH. However it works well, as each track manages to have that little something to make it stand out but at the same time fits perfectly into the albums structure and flow. After all the side-projects and rumours of a split, Alexisonfire have returned and are better than ever.
'Old Crows/Young Cardinals' by Alexisonfire is released through Vagrant US on June 23rd.
Sean Reid