Paramore Update

"so... we've done it. we've figured out a way to establish a wireless internet connection from 37,000 feet in the air.
i'm impressed. have to admit it feels a little scary. i feel like marty mcfly. check me out! i can watch the office, check my emails, update livejournal, order food on my plane tv and even pay for it with the swipe of a credit card... all right here from my comfy seat. great, now i feel like one of those rubber fatty people from wall-e.
i'm headed to boston. gonna meet up with the man and head over to bamschmoozle for the weekend. i'm stoked!
this is the first year in 5 years we won't have our hands in the festivities... we're pretty sad about it but it will be nice to get to just hang while everyone else runs around like chickens with their heads cut off.
dude next to me is watching 7 Pounds. so emo.
well, now that we've all left california the record is most definitely officially complete. hope you guys will be happy with it. we are! just so you guys know, there will be some sort of "live feed" video going on at the fbr tent this weekend... all random and probably pretty boring footage of us in the studio. check it out if you have time... maybe i'll see some of you there.
don't forget to see ISHC Saturday afternoon! and Now Now Every Children on Sunday!
gonna be fun.
alright... gotta go... watch a movie, shop online and instant message with the lady a few rows back from me. all from this damn plane seat. next thing you know, i'll have a twitter.