New Every Time I Die Blog

g’day mates! thought id try out a little vernacular ive learned while over here in the UK. its been a while since ive posted an update but truth is ive despised the internet for so long that its hard to remember ive only recently started to embrace it. im like an old man who’s just found out about call waiting. tradition has it that when not given access, i dont actively pursue it. i just wouldnt feel like making a walk or paying money or asking for help. but no i feel like i should, so here i am. on the internet. fuckin’ great. england or great britain or the united kingdom or all three are fuckin exceptional. shows are amazing, ive watched step brothers 3 times and the response to the new songs are better than expected. we’re playing either “the marvelous slut” or “buffalo 666″ depending on how we’re feeling. its a game time decision usually. i took a shitload of videos that i was going to post on except the battery to the camera died while i was uploading so 20 out of 26 clips got corrupted. they had some good shit in them too. for instance a lady jazzercising in a dismal graveyard in aberdeen. and people moshing in the street just because i asked them too. i think we have about 2 weeks left before we go back to anaheim to finish the record which is mainly just bass tracks and one more vocal. after that i sit at home and work on a bunch of other shit ive had on the backburner for a few months. alright dudes, ill post more often. i really do miss you. keith and etid