Chiodos Part Ways with Drummer

Messege from the band:
"After rocking together for nearly 5 years, we have decided to part ways with our drummer Derrick Frost. We've got nothing but love for the guy, we just feel it is the right move at this time as a band. Don't worry, there was no crazy drama or anything of the sort that needs everyone freaking out about. We are parting on good terms and are very thankful for the time and dedication the Derrick has given us and our fans over the past years. We send him our best wishes on whatever he pursues next and we know that you all will as well. We ask that you continue to support us as the bonded musicians that we still are as we continue to write new music and enjoy old tunes together. Because currently we are getting deep into writing a new record, and are beyond stoked to finish it up for all to hear!
See you on Warped Tour this summer! We are currently accepting submissions and holding tryouts for the drummer position of our band. If you are interested, please contact Bradley Bell @ Only serious inquiries, with touring history, PLEASE.
Edit: From Craig's Twitter -
"everyone keeps asking me why? we thought we were clear in the blog but here it is - this was a mutual thing - musical differences."