Alkaline Trio Planning On To Return To Their Roots

Skiba said:
"We kind of want to make a punk rock record. That's how we started as a band, and over the years I think we evolved into kind of more of a rock band with punk roots. So we have a bunch of new songs, and we've been kind of picking a couple of new songs each night. But we're using our soundcheck as kind of our pre-production for the record."
He also spoke about the bands recent departure from Epic Records:
"Everyone who signed us to Epic, all of the people we trusted there, were let go and that's not to say the people running it now aren't cool, we just don't know them and we don't like to work generally with people we don't know. We had a bunch of material and wanted to do a record sooner than later, so we called them and asked them if we could leave and they said, 'Yeah, that's cool.' They've always been great to us and we appreciate that. "
The full interview can be read here.