Alter The Press!


WeHaveAGetaway Split Up

WeHaveAGetaway have split up.

The band's myspace stated:

"Hey everyone, don't really know where to start with this blog but we're sad to say as of now WHAG are no more. It's a descision that was very hard and took a long time to come to but one thats right for everyone in the band at the moment. WeHaveAGetaway has been something we've all loved for the past 2 years now, and we don't just want to see it fade out.

Richard is off to Leeds University this September to study Music and we all stoked for him on that, and Stacey is finishing off University at the ACM while still playing in Clement Marfo & The Frontline. Please check out what she's doing and give some support, .

I know it all sounds a bit cliched but we'd like to thank every person who's come seen us, bought a t-shirt, listened to us or just supported us in anyway. Also another big thank you to the promoters who've put us on & the bands we've played with who can call friends.

We'll be pulling out of our remaining shows and be playing one last show at Kingston Peel, dates & line-ups TBC. Please make it down if you can. And on the player we have a clip of what was going to be our next single, we're still going to have it for download so you can buy if you like it. Also in the player is the song Coast to Coast, which we recorded with Attack and was due to be on our EP.

As sad as it is for us, this is only the end of the first chapter. The four of us, Fletch, Dan, John & Phil will be back with a new member. New line-up, new start, new sound, new found passion and 100% drive and focus to make this happen so please keep checking this page.Ursa major
Fletch, Dan, Rich, Phil, Stacey, John

Alter The Press!