New Thrice Blog

"Those of you who follow us on Twitter are probably aware that Ben Wener from the Orange County Register stopped by the studio last week to see how we do what we we do, where we do what we do, and talk to us a little bit about the new record we’re recording. The article was posted yesterday and can be found here. It’s a great read (but I may be a bit biased), and a really accurate depiction of where we’re at in this process. Big thanks to Ben and The OC Register for making time for us.
I’m sure Dustin or Teppei will be dropping a post here at some point over the next two days re: vocals, but I (like many of you) found out via Twitter that they were up into the wee hours last night finishing lead vocals and harmonies.
Hope to see some of you Left Coasters at Bamboozle this weekend. I know it’s only been 5 months or so since our last show here, but it feels like it’s been a year. Time moves slowly in the studio until you set a deadline, and then it moves like a 33 1/3 record being played at 78RPM. Bad analogies aside, we’re really excited to get back on stage again before we shut it down for a few months and finish this new record.
I hope you’re all healthy, happy, and safe.
Reading: Infinite Jest by David Foster Wallace, The Prophet by Khalil Gibran, and The 2009 Baseball Prospectus Handbook
Listening: Propagandhi-Supporting Cast(e), Mastodon-Crack The Skye, Radiohead-Scotch_Mist, assorted new jams from The Mercury Program, The Adam Carolla Podcast
*or maybe wingdings will become the global language. Aim high, people. Aim high."