Brighten Update

Hey guys, im sorry we haven't let you know about us and what we have been up to in a long time. We miss you! I, justin, have been playing with a rocket to the moon. As you might know we finished up in the studio with Matt Squire and it was amazing! So much fun :) we are currently on the AP tour with the maine, 3oh3!, hit the lights, and family force 5. Some of the best shows, and bands i have ever met in my life. Jimmy is at home going to school and designing the worlds best merch. Alex is still bein the coolest dude on earth, while hanging out with friends and enjoying being home for the time. Brighten is not breaking up and never will!! We love each other and all of you too much to ever let that happen. We will be writing and recording a new record asap. The 3 of us will be back together. We will be releasing it on iTunes and smartpunk like always. Just as many songs as we can do. We love writing together and we miss it. We are going to put all of our hearts into this record just like every other one, we hope you like it! Brighten will try to be playing shows in the near future again, but with conflicting schedules it is hard. We promise to be out and about soon though! Thank you all for being so amazing and still being a part of our family. We love you so much. We love how we know a lot of you by name and talk to you. We would love to get to know more of you and all of your friends so be sure to be writing us. I promise we will get better at updating our myspace and writing all of you back :) thank you again and be sure to keep checking in for new music! its coming :) love one another, life is too good and short.
god bless!
love, justin