Big Scary Monsters Records Sign Mutiny On The Bounty

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Mutiny On The Bounty will be playing a few UK dates in May.
16.05 - The Great Escape, The Hobgoblin, Brighton (4pm)
30.05 - London, Rota @ Notting Hill Arts Club (5pm)
30.05 - Reading, TBA (9pm)
31.05 - Portsmouth, The Edge of The Wedge (7pm)
31.05 - Southampton, TBA (10pm)
Press release can be read by clicking read more.
You know those press releases which talk about bands who hail from small towns and channel the lack of
excitement into making wonderful music? Well Mutiny On The Bounty come from Luxembourg. You know, the
tiny little country wedged inbetween Germany, France and Belgium. It’s population is less than half a million, Like
Bristol or Sheffi eld, and is ruled by a Grand Duke. A Grand-fucking-Duke!! Now lets talk about a lack of options
forcing creativity.
MOTB are no strangers to the UK having previously toured here on a couple of occasions including a run of
dates with would-be labelmates Meet Me In St Louis, on what proved to be one of their fi nal outings. FYI: The
Luxembourgers(?) humour is not considered to be part of the reason for break-up. Having put their geographical
placement to good use, the band have been all over Europe, winning many new fans with their stunning live show
and excitable enthusiasm for music. This summer they’ll be continuing their assualt taking on many a festival
crowd including their native Rock A Field where they’re billed alongside the likes of Kings of Leon and Papa
Roach, two titans of very different worlds!
Their debut album, ‘Danger Mouth’, is 11 tracks of brilliance, sitting somewhere between The Fall of Troy,
Thursday and Minus The Bear in Lazy Comparison Land. ‘Call Me Cheesus’ kicks things off in style, easing you
into the record before tearing you a new one whilst ‘Cruz Canerlaria’ demonstrates the bands incredible technical
abilities and anyone who isn’t punching the air and singing along to the end of ‘1, 2, 3, 4, I Declare A Thumb War’
needs to give themselves a long hard look. Mutiny On The Bounty have succeeded where many before have failed
and created a record which not only satisfi es the guitar-tapping, technical lovers amongst us but does so with a
radiant smile which shamelessly beams from every discordant riff.
If you can name a better band from Luxembourg I’ll eat the Grand Duke’s hat.
‘Danger Mouth’ is released via Big Scary Monsters Records (Pulled Apart By Horses, Tubelord, This Town Needs
Guns) on 1st June and the band come to the UK for a handful of low-key shows including a slot at The Great
Escape. Expect a full tour later on this year..