A Thorn For Every Heart Split Up

The band posted a myspace blog that can be read by clicking read more.
Hey kids,
We know this has been long over due, to explain "Hey what's up with ATFEH?!"
We have all decided that is time for us to take and indefinite hiatus, We all felt it would be a good choice for us as a band to do this.
If you haven't noticed our drummer Matt has left the band and moved back to Maryland and we all wish him the VERY best in whatever he does. We love the dude to death.
as for the remaining four of us in the band we have all been keeping ourself's very busy in our lives, We are all still good friends (This no blink thing we love each other!)
We hope that you all understand and support our choice in taking this time away, We wish we could be out there seeing all of you touring our butts of but its just not in the cards from ATFEH at this moment in time.
We just want to thank every single one of you that have stuck by us over the years making this band very very amazing to be in, We love each and every single one of you.
We are going to continue to check the myspace as much as we can reply to your messages and comments and all that fun stuff.
Will see you all sometime soon.
Love you all so freakin much!
-A Thorn For Every Heart
Kelvin,Phil,Casey & Ryan"