Motion City Soundtrack Drummer Breaks Arm

Tony said on the bands blog:
"Well, here we are nearly 2 1/2 months later. And not only am I not healed, I am seeing a new doctor who didn’t feel good about the brace my arm was in, so he put me in the world’s largest cast(check the 2009 Guinness Book). My arm looks like it’s wrapped with about 423 layers, and on top of that, i have a pillow that straps around my waist to keep my arm at a certain angle. I basically have a sidecar now. Words can’t explain how ginormous it is, and how much i despise it. It’s hard to do just about anything. It’s hard getting dressed, I have to put a garbage bag over my arm when I shower, I can’t drive, I can’t really do most physical activity. About all I can do is watch movies. Lots and lots of movies."
The full blog post can be read here.