Alter The Press!


Furthest Drive Home Split Up

Furthest Drive Home have decided to go on indefinite hiatus.

Messege from the band:

Over the past four or so years we have been lucky enough to play with some brilliant bands at some great venues. Whether these shows were in the U.S, main land Europe, or anywhere in UK, we have played to some great crowds. We have always created music we felt passionate about and never went with the fashions or gimmicks that have passed us in the 4 years we have been making music. However if you are not honest with yourself you will never have any hope of pushing the boundaries that surround you, in conclusion FDH are now on a “indefinite hiatus”.

It’s a decision we felt we had to make. It's time to move on from this chapter in our life and let it go, it’s the only way we as people will be happy.

We are so thankful for all the people who bought our music, bought our t-shirts, took the time to download our music legally/illegally or even came to a show to see us live. We just hope we did our job properly, made some alright music, made you smile and most importantly made you think!

We will be doing 5 final dates, which are hopefully near you- we hope you can come and say goodbye. Final hometown show details will follow shortly.

Love Tom, Joe and Jim (Furthest Drive Home)"

Alter The Press!