Alter The Press!


The Wonder Years Pull Out of Bamboozle

The Wonder Years have pulled out of The Bamboozle festival for a variety of reasons.

The bands myspace blog stated:

"We decided against doing this for a number of reasons:

1.) It's a lot of time and energy to get ready for right now. We need to exert that time and energy into writing a record.

2.) It goes against pretty much everything I've tried to adhere to since being in this band. I was willing to sell out some of my ideals to play with The Get Up Kids and that's stupid. No show should be $54 dollars for one day. I mean, even Warped Tour is only like 35 and, I understand why it's so much, but, for me at least, I'd rather drop $10 to see 6 bands I like play normal sets at one show than drop $54 to see maybe 10-15 bands I like play short sets and sit through 40 bands I fucking hate.

3.) I probably would have gotten kicked out for yelling at Brokencyde about how date rape isn't cool anyway.

If you go, be sure to support our boys in Reign Supreme, A New Born Thriller, Valencia, Set Your Goals, Passion Brand Clothing and This is Hell. Enjoy The Get Up Kids and Face to Face, I'll be hanging in Philly."

Alter The Press!