Wes Borland to Continue Black Light Burns

Borland said:
"On this the morning of the last show of the tour, I wanted to reach out and say thanks to everyone who came to see us over the past 5 weeks. It was without a doubt the most successful and fun BLB tour to date. We saw a lot of familiar faces and made a lot of new friends including Combichrist, who we have made a blood oath to tour with again! As we prepare for what will surely be an epic night here in Colorado springs, I want to assure everyone that this band had a lot left to do and the best is yet to come. We have a record to find a home for this year and as soon as we do, we are putting it out and suiting back up for more. Thanks again, and we will continue to update you here throughout 2009 with news as always. P.S.- gotten a few questions as to what the name of the new song is that we opened with. It's called "How To Look Naked". We're adding 2 more tonight. "Your Head Will Be Rotting On A Spike" and "We Light Up""
Black Light Burns,
Limp Bizkit,
wes borland