New Found Glory Guitarist Address Album Leak

'Not Without A Fight' leaking out on to the internet.
Gilbert posted on the bands messege board:
"As far as the leaking thing. If my favorite bands cd came out early online i would download it to. For instance the new Morrissey record. I dont think it comes out for another 2 weeks and i've had it for like 3 weeks now. I will still buy it though because when i love a band or singer i gotta have the album artwork. It is a bumm out that some of the anticipation is lost. the whole building up to release date loses a bit of its excitement but to be honest the fans that would go out of their way to download it are the true fans that go out of their way to buy merch and post online about how much they like it and are the ones that will know the words first and sing every song at the show. You are driven to get it because you like NFG so how can I be bummed at that! So to all that have it. Spread the word if you like it and get people to go pick it up when it comes out! Not even for our sake but for epitaphs to. They are so passionate about NFG and our fans. They are true music lovers and they try to always put together cool and fun stuff for fans of this genre of music."
'Not Without A Fight' is available March 9th on Epitaph.