Alter The Press!


Jordan of New Found Glory updates blog

Jordan Pundik of New Found Glory has posted a new blog:

'what i dont get are all these bands that maybe have one record out, or have a million hits on their myspace and feel the need to be complete fucking douche bags or feel like they are owed something…(i.e. like a tour bus on their first tour etc). i dont get it! just because your band is cool at the time doesnt mean you have to cool guy me in the elevator. whats funny is they all want to be different and one up each other, but they all look and act exactly the same with their beards and short shorts and neon and straight ironed hair. now i dont mean to be the bitter old guy, because im not bitter, nor am i old. ya, i might have been doing this a long time but i just fucking turned 29. some of these “new” band guys are fucking older than me! all im saying is that when your on tour together and you know youre going to see each other for the next two weeks, at least be cool and not a dick. there are some bands on this tour that have been going at this for waaaaay longer than any of us and they are still rad people. WARNING: IF YOU ARE IN A BAND THATS BEEN AROUND FOR FIVE MINUTES AND YOU ACT LIKE A DICK, PEOPLE WILL WANT TO PUNCH YOU! ok my rant is going all over the place. maybe its the ‘62 barolo i enjoyed way too much. maybe its the lack of sleep. maybe im too nice of a guy. oh well. hope everyone is well….goodnight…godspeed ……'

Alter The Press!