Interview: We Are The Ocean

Since their formation in 2007, it's not all been plain sailing for the London based band, yet less than two years later, they are nearing the end of their longest tour to date, and set to record a debut full length in America. 'It's been tough' the band collectively agree, but, with a busy year ahead of them, the band have every right to remain optimistic.
Success, doesn't come without a degree of criticism. By some, the band have been labelled the 'UK counterparts' of Canadian outfit, Alexisonfire. This is something the band acknowledge, and do take into consideration when writing. 'Were not gonna change our sound for the sake of a few people' states Alfie, striking a general consensus with his other bandmates. 'Sometimes though, we have to say, don't do that, it sounds too similar.'
The band though, maintain that the biggest challenge they have faced was getting the tax and insurance for their van in one day, in time for the Fightstar tour. 'You could've made a movie out of it' laughs Dan, before revealing the other major struggle of being in a touring band; deciding the rider for each upcoming tour. 'We have Dairylea Dunkers, Haribo, Scotch Eggs and Sausage Rolls.' 'Only the neccessities really.'
In regards to future plans, the band joke how their management will arrange it, and explain how they found out about the Funeral For a Friend tour two days before the advert was published. 'Alfie got a text' they grin, 'Well done on getting the Funeral tour,' 'We were surprised to say the least!'
April will see the band head to Salad Days Studios, in Baltimore, USA, to record their debut album, with respected producer Brian Mcternan (Thrice, Senses Fail). 'I'm really excited but really scared' says Dan, before revealing that Mcternan wanted to work with them, a further reason for the band to be excited about what the future may hold.
Optimism is something the band clearly strive towards, as they accept as much as they are a product of the internet generation, they will also fall victims to it. 'It's going to happen' they say in reference to downloading, and admit, that in terms of record sales, they'll inevitably take a hit. Yet they recognise, these same people downloading, equally generated the hype from which they are still benefitting. 'As long as live music doesn't die as a result' they conclude.
The bands last words? 'Dont stop believing.' They all nod, approvingly, before Liam adds, 'When God said Let there be light, Chuck Norris said, say please!'
The band hope to play some festivals in the Summer, before touring the album, which is due to be released around the same time.
Chris Powers