The Banner to go on hiatus?

'Unfortunately it seems like The Banner for the time being wont be producing too much. The last incarnation of the band was pretty much the only real lineup ive ever felt any connection too and for the time being those guys are all off doing a bunch of different projects that demand their time. Rich and Jake are doing Valens, Rich is also doing
chokepoint and rattling cages and i think buzz is doing webpages and Pellinore, and Paul is being super husband and playing drums with Jerk City. I really dont feel like doing Banner stuff without them so until we can all get together no new material for a bit on that horizon. Shows? Who knows, maybe.'
chokepoint and rattling cages and i think buzz is doing webpages and Pellinore, and Paul is being super husband and playing drums with Jerk City. I really dont feel like doing Banner stuff without them so until we can all get together no new material for a bit on that horizon. Shows? Who knows, maybe.'