Nightmare of You Enter Studio

A full myspace blog post by the band stated:
"Dearest Friends,
You might have had some thoughts in the deep, dark, murky, and demonic depths of your unconscious mind that the day would never arrive, but it is my pleasure and privilege to be the first to tell you that the day HAS in fact arrived. Today we have officially started the tracking of our new album, which has yet to be named.
With the help of engineer/producer, and quite possibly the most beautiful man I have ever laid eyes on, Brian Thorn will be taking the reigns alongside 'Nightmare Of You' to help create a sonic masterpiece of explosive ear candy and playful, yet daring psychedelia.
This album is being recorded at The Magic Shop studio in the currently frigid, fashion capital of New York City known to all the dream chasers and bird-like eaters as Soho. We are hoping with this record to add as much Good-spirited Love and Soul to the intersection of Crosby and Spring street that it is so desperately lacks and needs (You models and cutthroat sociopath fashion moguls know who you are). Many of the greatest bands to have ever existed have recorded here over the years, and we are honored to add 'Nightmare Of You' to this list.
Right now Mike is laying down some drum tracks. Our friend Brandon (not to be confused to with me) is shooting some video footage that we hope to post as soon as possible. We will be posting new blog updates, pictures, and videos from the studio every day so keep checking back for more nonsense. Cheers, big ears!
Yours, Brandon
P.S. Don't forget that we have some shows coming up.
P.S.S. We still have limited edition double vinyl's left for sale.
P.S.S.S. Hope you had a safe and enjoyable holiday"
Enter Studio,
new album,
Nightmare of You,
Studio update