New Sherwood Update

"Time teaches us all a lot of lessons and I use to think I was beginning to understand a few things about the music business but from the looks of the industry these days it's as if nobody gets it. I will say that I have learned one thing and that is if you think your songs are good, take another listen and keep writing. On this album we are not accepting very many ideas. We have demoed, rewritten, scrapped, intertwined and rehashed over 60 song ideas now and have only really kept a handful. So many times when demoing a song someone will say, "it's good but it just sounds like another sherwood song" and then it remind us that we need to do something else, try something new. Of course we understand that when bands completely abandon their sound it usually ends in disaster. So how do you reinvent yourself and stay true to your previous work? I can remember so many times putting on a 2nd or 3rd LP from a favorite band and find myself angry half way through the album. Maybe the monotony of playing certain songs over and over again can drive a band crazy and maybe that craziness drives every new chord progression. It gets tough when after the third revision of a song someone says, "the bridge just doesn't work" or "the verses are not interesting" or " it sounds like two different songs put together" etc, etc. We are reminded everyday how difficult it is to make a great album, not a good album mind you but a GREAT album. It really all comes down to the songs and we are forcing ourselves to keep working, keep digging but it's really hard to stay focused and not settle. With things being the way they are this could be our last chance to take a stab at it, who knows. We just hope everyone out there that has given us a chance is waiting for us and is somehow in their hearts being supportive. I have been disappointed so many times when hearing new albums that I can honestly say that we don't want to disappoint. So give us another month and another new batch of ideas and hopefully then we can set a studio date with a producer we love. Please send us your support in anyway you can from a myspace comment to an online merch order or whatever, everything "