New Holiday Parade Update

Holiday Parade have released their 2nd studio update. A video of the first day of tracking can be seen here.
"TrackingToday is the day.....finally! This morning I woke up at about 8:45 and headed out a little early to pick up some Martin's on the way. For those of you who are unfamiliar with the little piece of heaven known as Martin's, its this southern breakfast fast food place, that is notorious for it Chicken Biscuits (they are about the size of your face). It was definitely the way to start off the tracking sessions. However, I never came to the studio from that direction before, so I ended up going about 20 miles further north than I needed to....haha. Yes, I'm terrible with directions. I made it here safely and we are currently working on getting the perfect drum tones.
We are listening a lot to ‘Blue' by Third Eye Blind, ‘Bringing Down the Horse' by The Wallflowers, and the first Vertical Horizon record. If you get a chance, scope some of the tones on those records...they are unreal. Anyways, wish us luck. We have a very long few days ahead of us. Check out the video below!Best, Andy"