Album Review: Brilliant Sweaters - Free Music

The title says it all ‘Free Music’, a 11 track album filled with power-pop songs with a New York punk rock edge. ‘Are You My Mother?’ from the start shows a band who play tight and their style show that roots have had an affect on them, with a beat that is reminisce of the many bands who gave birth to punk rock at CGCBs.
As the album goes on a ferocious pace; as most songs last no more than 2 minutes, the band establish a sound raw energy with near-pop lyrics. Songs like ‘I Dropped Out of High School’ bounces along with a fun vibe, whilst ‘Sex Tape’ is reminiscent of skate punk bands like JFA and Dead Kennedys with a modern lyrical spin.
‘All Mixed Up’ at first slow builds up with the bass taking lead and then goes into an easy-paced melody. A similar idea happens on the final track ‘Music is Free’ which sees the band sticking two fingers up to major labels and making a bold statement, rebelling against those who believe music shouldn’t be free. It all then ends a slightly psychedelic note with echoed vocals and slow guitars.
For a band that have only been together for a short time, Brilliant Sweaters seem to have their ideas and sound firmly rooted down, as well as a nice niche for writing fast-paced, fun songs. If they continue this way, we might just have to pay for the bands next release.
'Free Music' by Brilliant Sweaters can be downloaded for free here.
The album can also be streamed here.