Album Review: Kyoto Drive - Spotlights and Stars

'Don't Turn Your Back On The Sun' is a strong opener, and the EP's closing song, 'You Had Me At Hello', has a chorus to rival any UK band, and at times sounds very, very similar to Brand New circa Your Favourite Weapon.
Sounding like the pop-punk greats of old is no mean feat, and its something Kyoto Drive do with ease, yet, sound distinctly average. With work however, Kyoto Drive are certainly ones to watch, and with this EP, they have demonstrated an ability to pen a catchy song.
Closing with the chant 'Take a chance on us,' 'Spotlights and Stars' is a solid release. With a strong set of songs, and the EP available for free download from their myspace, there's certainly no reason why you shouldn't take a chance on this Birmingham four piece.
Chris Powers