Album Review: Final Round... Fight! - The Party Bag EP

However, there is a lot more to this band than gimmicks like these, in fact, I would go as far as to say these are one of the best bands in the UK in their genre right now. Even in such an early stage in their career (they formed in the back end of 2007) they have a dynamic and pretty much immaculate sound nailed down. They have often been compared to Alexisonfire, and though it’s a pretty lazy comparison to make, it is hitting the nail on the head. They have the obligatory ‘scream a lot then have some nice singing‘ but despite this being done a million times before, Final Round Fight do it a lot better than most I have heard.
This EP is pretty much short and sweet, they get the listener interested with opener ‘Robo McFist’ which starts off at a pretty standard pace before ripping into full on screams, then a bit of a breather with the chorus, before it all kicks off again, it’s exactly what you expect from a band that could easily be coined as ‘the British Alexisonfire.’
This sets the tone perfectly for the following song ‘BEWAREOBLIVIONISATHAND’ which is definitely a stand out track and in my opinion the band’s best work to date. Again, it sticks to the screamo formula completely, and there’s some gang vocals chucked in for good measure. Just as the listener is starting to think this band are onto a winner, it’s over, and the listener is left absolutely gagging for more, well, I was anyway.
Overall, what this band are doing is nothing unique or special, but what is special is the fact they are doing it better than anyone else in the UK right now. One thing is for sure, this is up there with the best as far as party bags go.
Final Round… Fight’s ‘Party Bag EP’ is available for just £1 at shows, and the band’s debut EP is available as a free download at the band’s myspace -
Daniel Ferguson
Album Review,
Final Round...FIGHT,
The Party Bag EP