The Matches Release Christmas Song

The bands blog said about the song:
"We just added our cover of the Omaha band Flowers Forever's "Happy New Year" to our myspace player. (It's the naughty version that Santa didn't put on the Foggy Holiday Vol II disc, which just came out on SF's Talking House Records). It's also the first of our recordings featuring Dylan on bass. Take note that this is our second holiday-esque song, though to our defense, we steer well clear of nativity scenes and overall cheer in the both. Are we becoming a cranky band version of Amy Grant? My favorite x-mas present to receive is the glorious gift of nothing-- no obligatory gift needed in return. Truly the gift that never starts giving, and perfect for the whole family. But last minute, when the guilt hits on December 24th, maybe I'll throw a CD in a stocking or two. Maybe even this one."