Kaddisfly Split Up

The band's full myspace blog:
"There are winds of change in the Kaddisfly camp, and as with the nation, it's time we move forward. First off, we should apologize for not keeping you all updated properly over the last 5 months, but quite honestly there wasn't much to talk about until we knew exactly what we wanted to say. Some of you may or may not know that Kile Brewer has left Kaddisfly. His departure came late in the summer and was not all that unexpected. Kile moved to Denver with his wife and wanted to start a new chapter in his life. We are still very close with Kile and we wish him the best in all his future endeavors.
As Kaddisfly we may very well end up finishing horses galloping one day, but for now I suppose the popular thing to say would be we are on a small hiatus. There will always be our back catalog, and our internet presence will remain the same because Kaddisfly isn't dead, just hibernating. We also still have some unreleased material that may surface at some point.
Now to the moving forward part. Some of us have decided to start a new project called Water and Bodies. If you were a fan of Kaddisfly, we'd like you to check it out. We're very excited, its new, and fresh, and a four piece. With love. Kfly"