Fight Fair in van accident

'Yesterday we were driving on our way to Richland, Wa. We were on the icy highway 84 when suddenly we hit a hydroplane on ice and our van suddenly lost control. we did a few swerves and smashed into the center divide, followed by a 360, where at one point we see semi's and many other vehicles coming straight at us, then we smash into the right guard rail where our vehicle comes to a stop. first thing first, we made sure everyone was alright. there was pretty bad damage to our van and our trailer was pretty much beaten the eff out of. luckily pretty much all of our equipment survived. we sat in the cold for 5 and a half hours waiting to get picked up. things could have ended ALOT worse so in a way im still thankful. now we are in a hotel getting ready to check out whats up with our van. hopefully we'll be home soon but we'll see. wish to see some of you soon.'