Every Avenue Frontman Signs Solo Deal

Jimmie posted the following blog:
"I'm proud to announce that I've signed with Silent Movie Records.
The plan was to record an awesome EP and get it out early in the new year... but after trying to narrow down about 30 songs I had been working on to 5 or 6... they only got narrowed down to about 14... and then to about 9 or 10..... hahah so that didn't quite go as expected, but it brings me to even better news! As soon as I get home from tour I'm gonna get down to business and record this album for all of you, A FULL LENGTH ALBUM, and I CAN'T WAIT for you all to hear this! Soon this myspace will be redone, and I'll be putting new videos and fun updates on here frequently. Keep checking back while i'm in the studio and get ready for good things!
Every Avenue,
Jimmie Deeghan,
new signing,
Silent Movie Records,