Coheed and Cambria address confused fans about Slipknot US tour

'We realize a lot of you don’t understand this pairing, and we, on the surface, can understand why. Slipknot and Coheed are not exactly similar musically in all aspects, but that’s what is great about this tour. First of all, there are not many bands that are natural fits for us, and our fans, all of you, have very different tastes. What excites some of you, disgusts others. Fans of ours who are excited about this tour, might shake their heads at our next tour.
In these times of “Change,” we just ask you to embrace each others musical tastes, try something new and open your minds, or at the very least, trust us when we make these decisions. We will not always be right, but we will always lean toward the road less traveled. We’re not saying we expect you to become “Maggots” or anything, but we as musicians will continue to challenge ourselves, whether it’s playing with Warren Haynes, Slipknot or anyone else. We will not force ourselves to remain stuck in one genre of music, that’s not living. Music wasn’t meant for that. We are currently writing the new album and we are seeking as many new experiences as possible to help shape this record. This is one of many. If we don’t see you on this tour, we hope to see you on the next.