Update on Deftones Chi Cheng

Chi is showing definite signs of improvement. His father expects when he wakes up fully that they may have to re sedate him so that he doesn't start pulling out tubes and wires from his body... Again you are so very much appreciated, god has his hand on our son, please continue to lift him in prayer. For today please forgive someone who has wronged you or wronged yours. Not forgiving is like taking poison and expecting the other person to die. Please continue to stay buckled, show love and spread kindness throughout the day to those around you".
Whilst Deftones frontman Chino Moreno also gave an update.
"This Sunday saw the first signs of your prayers in action," Cheng stated. "Chi was able to hear and respond to his father's request to move his lower lip. His father also administered a tendon reflex test, of which both legs responded with movement. Doctors continue to remain optimistic, and the energy at the hospital remains very positive."
More updates can be found on the Deftones studio blog here.