That Was Something Sign To Authentik Artists

The band posted the following blog on their myspace:
"Well hello! We are very excited to announce that we have signed anexclusive agreement with up and coming label Authentik Artists. We areabsolutely ecstatic about what's to come. Everyone over at that labelare such awesome people, who really know what they're doing! We willbe releasing our new EP "Down But Not Out" which was produced by RobFreeman (Hit The Lights, Armor For Sleep) on December 9th. It will beavailable every digital outlet online. I-tunes, Amazon, Rapsody youname it, they will probably have it. We will also be filming a newmusic video this month! More details on that soon! Also! We will behitting the road with bands It's Like Love and Lights out dancingstarting December 5th! So please come out and hang out with us! Weknow it has been a slow couple of months, but we have only beenworking extra hard to give you guys an awesome record, and to get outon the road and see each and everyone one of you guys! Thanks so muchfor all of your love and support we would not be here without it! W eposted 2 songs from this upcoming EP on our page so check them out!
That Was Something"