Men Women and Children speak about current state of the band

This is t.j. and rick, the remaining members of men women & children. We just wanted to write you and clarify any misunderstandings regarding the departure of Nick, Todd, and Skully and the future of our band.
First off, we want to wish the other guys the best in their new endeavors. We are very proud of them and love them very much. We have experienced many crazy things together--good, bad, and amazing. Nothing could ever take those memories away. However, people need to move on when it feels right and in this instance it feels right.
Having the desire to create and release as much music as we can, my brother rick and I have been locked away in our basement studio since last December working on many different projects...My solo album, rick's album, new men women & children. Hell, we even started messing around with a cartoon idea.
This being said, when the guys decided to leave the band, it wasn't out of left field. In the past year, men women & children have moved at such a slow pace. Here and there we'd play random shows and there was no plan really at all. Although this is a final decision announced outside the band, it is nothing crazy to any of us.
Any new music released after this up and coming EP (which will beat our final show with the other guys at Blender Theatre in NYC Dec 29) will just be rick and myself. We have already started in the past few weeks on new MWC material and the process has been so quick and productive that it will be very enjoyable to produce a new album in the near future.
Now regarding playing live, we have toured, met, and become close with so many amazing musicians that it will be great to have the freedom to change up the live line up as need be. We believe this will challenge us on many levels. This will also enable us to continue to bring an exciting live experience to all of you.
Thank you so much to anyone and everyone who has ever supported us, and for your continued support for all our future projects.
Bless you our children, and your children's children
& rick thomas
men women & children"