Men, Women and Children lose 3 members

"Hello All,
This letter comes from Todd and Nick in my bedroom in the East Village, and using the magic of the Interweb, Skully too, from London. We are sorry if the tenses change (Todd and I, or Nick and I, etc.) but it's
because we are all writing this together.
Todd Nathaniel Weinstock, Nicholas Andrew Conceller and David Skully
Sullivan-Kaplan are departing Men Women & Children.
December 29th will be the last show for Todd, Skully and Nick @ The
Blender Theatre in NYC. We cordially invite you to come and have a great
time. We are going all out for this final night, and it's not to be
Over the past 4+ years, we have been lucky to form a band, make an
album, go on tour, and meet 100's of millions of amazing fans in many
For the past year and a half things have been pretty quiet for us. Part
of the time was spent just being normal humans off the road. Another
bulk of that time was spent in working on what was to become our second
full length record. Todd and Nick entered the US workforce in the form
of serving sake. Skully even got married and moved to England.
In this lull we started working on some songs together, things kept
going well slowly, and before we knew it, we accidentally had a new
project on our hands.
While all these things were happening the communication among the five
of us slowly started to erode. Part of the communication barrier was
magnified by distance. I think the 3 of us knew the whole time in the
back our heads that things were headed this way, but its hard to be real
about these feelings when you have invested so much of your life into
A couple weeks ago we decided that we had to talk about how we felt and
put everything on the table. We hopped on a train to Long Island and
met at an undisclosed sushi spot. The time just seemed right for us to
move on.
One thing we want to clarify beyond everything is that there is not an
ounce of ill will between us. This band was very trying at times, and we
accomplished things together that none of us will ever forget. We've all
been working on not only Men Women & Children for the past year and a
half, but djing, music of our own, and like we said before, just being
normal people with girlfriends and wives. TJ and Ricky have also been
working on a bunch of great music and plan on continuing Men Women &
Children. I'm sure you will be hearing about the future soon.
So what's next you ask?
Todd and Nick want to introduce you to Cubic Zirconia. Over the summer
we met an incredibly talented singer by the name of Tiombe Lockhart.
This is our new project, we plan on going everywhere, releasing tons of
music and others things that bands do.
You can find us on the Internet @
As for Skully, he's slowly becoming an Anglophile in the city of London,
while still keeping the neighbors awake with drums and cymbals. But
don't worry, changes are what keeps things interesting in life...He is
looking forward to a few collaborations in the coming months, and you'll
probably find him back in America sooner than you think.
Thanks to everyone who has ever been a part of the band in any way,
including that one dude who brought us the sheet of acid in Michigan,
the girls that always bring lollipops, we apologize to that other dude
for trashing your house when Slayer came on, Dresher, the New Mexico
crew with full body MWC suits, that one girl with the Jesus piece
tattooed on her boobs, Eaglesharks, that kid who gave me the E in the
bathroom in Oxford, Pablo the Scottish balloon animal craftsman, those
kids who made the MWC board game, the guys that robbed our van,
everyone who helped us get beyond the robbery, and many others.
Please don't hesitate to get in touch with us , we love you a lot.
=Nicholas Andrew Conceller and Todd Nathaniel Weinstock and David Skully
This letter comes from Todd and Nick in my bedroom in the East Village, and using the magic of the Interweb, Skully too, from London. We are sorry if the tenses change (Todd and I, or Nick and I, etc.) but it's
because we are all writing this together.
Todd Nathaniel Weinstock, Nicholas Andrew Conceller and David Skully
Sullivan-Kaplan are departing Men Women & Children.
December 29th will be the last show for Todd, Skully and Nick @ The
Blender Theatre in NYC. We cordially invite you to come and have a great
time. We are going all out for this final night, and it's not to be
Over the past 4+ years, we have been lucky to form a band, make an
album, go on tour, and meet 100's of millions of amazing fans in many
For the past year and a half things have been pretty quiet for us. Part
of the time was spent just being normal humans off the road. Another
bulk of that time was spent in working on what was to become our second
full length record. Todd and Nick entered the US workforce in the form
of serving sake. Skully even got married and moved to England.
In this lull we started working on some songs together, things kept
going well slowly, and before we knew it, we accidentally had a new
project on our hands.
While all these things were happening the communication among the five
of us slowly started to erode. Part of the communication barrier was
magnified by distance. I think the 3 of us knew the whole time in the
back our heads that things were headed this way, but its hard to be real
about these feelings when you have invested so much of your life into
A couple weeks ago we decided that we had to talk about how we felt and
put everything on the table. We hopped on a train to Long Island and
met at an undisclosed sushi spot. The time just seemed right for us to
move on.
One thing we want to clarify beyond everything is that there is not an
ounce of ill will between us. This band was very trying at times, and we
accomplished things together that none of us will ever forget. We've all
been working on not only Men Women & Children for the past year and a
half, but djing, music of our own, and like we said before, just being
normal people with girlfriends and wives. TJ and Ricky have also been
working on a bunch of great music and plan on continuing Men Women &
Children. I'm sure you will be hearing about the future soon.
So what's next you ask?
Todd and Nick want to introduce you to Cubic Zirconia. Over the summer
we met an incredibly talented singer by the name of Tiombe Lockhart.
This is our new project, we plan on going everywhere, releasing tons of
music and others things that bands do.
You can find us on the Internet @
As for Skully, he's slowly becoming an Anglophile in the city of London,
while still keeping the neighbors awake with drums and cymbals. But
don't worry, changes are what keeps things interesting in life...He is
looking forward to a few collaborations in the coming months, and you'll
probably find him back in America sooner than you think.
Thanks to everyone who has ever been a part of the band in any way,
including that one dude who brought us the sheet of acid in Michigan,
the girls that always bring lollipops, we apologize to that other dude
for trashing your house when Slayer came on, Dresher, the New Mexico
crew with full body MWC suits, that one girl with the Jesus piece
tattooed on her boobs, Eaglesharks, that kid who gave me the E in the
bathroom in Oxford, Pablo the Scottish balloon animal craftsman, those
kids who made the MWC board game, the guys that robbed our van,
everyone who helped us get beyond the robbery, and many others.
Please don't hesitate to get in touch with us , we love you a lot.
=Nicholas Andrew Conceller and Todd Nathaniel Weinstock and David Skully