Farewell Tell Plans of New Album

Vocalist Marshall said:
"On the new record:
I want to honestly thanks all of you who care about our band and have supported us through the years thus far. We couldn't have made the steps we have without you, so please continue to enjoy our music and spread the word. As far as the band goes, we will be writing and recording this new record as a five piece. We talked a lot as a band and realized that it doesn't make sense to invite a new member into this right before we go to record. There is definitely a closeness that we five of us share, and it would be counterproductive to complicate that. Plus, I was the synth player/singer in the band for a year before we added a 6th member, so we'll be more than covered on all fronts. If you came out to the last 2 tours we did (Danger Radio and the UK) then you met our friend Martin, (aka: Martini, Teeny, Marvin, Marty, Scream Mask) who was filling in ..s. He is a close friend and has his own band and priorities here in Greensboro, but he is still here and may be joining us next year. Who knows what time will bring. Either way, we love the guy. With that said, I want to talk to you all about what this new record means to us.
If you have met us, then you know that we are far from rock-stars. We are not haircuts and lace-up booties. We are not bus-dwellers and VIP room sneeks. We are just regular dudes who cuss too much and make fun of everything all the time. We are very proud of the type of band we are, and even though there is a ton of saturation in the scene today, I still feel confident that we stand out not only as a band but as individuals too. We are also very proud of our first full-length, and really want to continue pushing it along with this new record. It makes me so happy when we get mail from people who tell us why they like our band, especially when they notice the things that we do differently.
This new record is going to be the first time where we get to take brand new material and get it to you guys within a few months. Our last record was mainly songs that we had recorded 2-3 years ago and shopped to labels, and while we love those songs, we are excited to show you what we've been up to since then. We've toured the US multiple times, gone to Japan, gone to the UK, busted our asses on Warped Tour, and made tons of friends along the way. All of this has influenced us and given us the confidence to produce a record from our hearts, with no worries about selling ourselves or these songs to a label. I have been writing a lot about where we stand in this music scene and who we are as people. I'm also writing about the positive parts of love and life for the first time in a LONG time. I'm listening to a lot of the CDs that made me want to play this kind of music and it's definitely helping us shape the tones and vibe of the new material. Some of you guys are a few years younger then me, so I'll post a "LISTEN TO" list at the end of this if you want to check out some cool bands that made me who I am.
All in all, it's going to be a bigger, better, faster, stronger Farewell record. We're starting pre-production in Dec. with madman Marc McClusky, so brace yourselves for a summer release. Stay tuned for more updates and album info!!
thanks for reading--Marshall"