Alter The Press!


Bedlight For Blue Eyes Split Up

Bedlight For Blue Eyes have announced they are splitting up. They posted the following blog:

"Dear Anyone and Everyone,

I hope you all understand.......

It's been a very long time since we have updated this page and you the fans on what's going on with Bedlight. Bedlight For Blue Eyes sad but true is on an indefinite hiatus and I guess has been for a while now. There Comes a time when maybe stepping away from something is when you find out how much you truly love it and can't live without it, but as for now we must take the time to see what is out there for us. When I joined this band I wanted to make it a point to be truthful and always up-front with our fans, so that is why I must address this as hard as it may be. We have never hid behind doors, in our van, and have always prided ourselves on our interaction with the people at our shows. We have had many good times, made tons of life long friends, and take many memories with us that we wouldn't trade for the world because of the fans we have. As of right now we have no idea what the future holds for any of us, but you will see most of us really soon. THIS IS NOT THE END OF MUSIC FOR ANYONE OF US!!!!!

So to end this with out getting emotional or sappy we love you all and hope you all understand sometimes the hardest decisions in life are the ones you need to make.

Without you fans we would be nothing, and every single member past and present thanks you from the bottom of our hearts.

Please check back to see what individual members are up to.We still actively go on this page so leave your comments and messages and myself or the band will do are best to answer anything you might want to know or just say hi!

and the boys"

Alter The Press!