Taking Back Sunday Posts Studio Update

The blog states:
"As we wind down to the mixing phase of the new TBS record, I can't help but be a bit bummed that I won't be living in New York much longer. It's a bittersweet realization because on the one hand, it's freakin' NYC and it's a rad place, but the other side of it is I haven't been home more than 5 days in the last 3 months. And I miss my dog, Bubba. I DO however, get to look forward to Halloween here which has GOT to be awesome. I have a history of great halloween costumes, as select members of the band can now attest to. In fact, I'll treat you to a couple of my faves later in the post. If you have an awesome costume planned or pic of a past good one, post it!
Anyways, Adam's back home for a quick visit whilst Bano, Mark and I get a few last things done here for the rekkid and then we ship er' off to the mixer. For anyone that doesn't know what mixing entails, it's more or less a new set of ears to blend all the instruments together into a blob of rock. Then the rock blob is cranked in the volume machine after, put onto mini-laser-disc (or the internet if you're one of them tech-savvy kids) and distributed for you to enjoy :) So, in other words, hopefully soon we'll have a finished Taking Back Sunday rock blob! We are all super pumped to get out on the road and get the blood flowin' soon for peeps across this great land. We hope you're pumped too!