Review: Enter Shikari - London Camden Underworld - 30/09/08

As soon as the band hits the stage, all hell breaks loose in the crowd and the band egg the crowd on for more. Frontman Rou, the ringleader of tonight shouts for the two-steppers to do there thing and for the crowd to join them onstage, and this is only during the first couple of songs, and they are ones no one has heard yet live. We are treated to new songs such as 'The Jester', 'Hectic', 'Kickin' Back' and already crowd favourite 'We Can Breath In Space'..this only leads everyone in much anticipation for the new record but the old school fans leave the mayhem reserved for 'Return For Energiser', 'Sorry Your Not A Winner' and 'Enter Shikari' where we see human pyramids evolve from the crowd and people climbing on the pillars and lights on the ceiling.
Despite the technical faults of tonight, the band kick off the first night of their UK tour with a bang. The wait is over, Enter Shikari are back, and about time.