EP Review: Cut The Blue Wire - Revert, Restart, Reset

The 6 tracks here begin with 'Everest', a thumping, riff-filled track with lead singer DD showcasing he's talents well here. 'Get Out Of The Road' is fast with a nice melodic breakdown and guitar parts.
The third track, 'All Of This Was Buildings' being a steady paced song, whilst 'Rockets Ready To Fire' is a somewhat bouncy tune with a chorus that will get the crowd shouting "wake up, wake up!" at the bands live shows. 'Race To The King' has a complex drum beat with a 80's-like synth bridge part before the track goes into a shouting chorus. The EP finishes with 'No Song Of Mine' with DD again showing his good vocal talents and with another excellent guitar riff from Andy Vincent, Cut The Blue Wire end their debut release on a high point.
On the whole 'Revert, Restart, Reset' manages to make Cut The Blue Wire stand out from a whole load of new and young British bands doing the rounds up and down the UK at the moment. With a collection of songs that are intelligently structured and well-thought out. They are a band that can be angry but at the same time catchy. It will be interesting to see what direction the band goes in the future, but with this near fault-less release, only good things can happen to this band.
'Revert, Restart, Reset' by Cut The Blue Wire is available now through Alcopop Records.
Cut The Blue Wire are touring throughout the UK in November.
Dates can be found on the band's myspace.