You Me At Six Respond To Internet Criticism

"Yo, it's Josh.
So before sitting down to write this blog i've been feeling very confused. The problem i have, is that i want to word this right, and i want it to represent both myself and my 4 friends who play in this band.
There's been handful of you guys/girls exhibiting frustration recently on the subject of us not being ' a small band anymore ' and maybe you guys are worried we're changing, what our band standing for changing etc. So i've come to a conclusion that perhaps you guys just don't hear from us enough to feel otherwise.
A band 'selling out' is not used as a reference to them selling out shows, regrettably. People have used it, in our case because they fear we are going to change and not want to hang at shows, and we'll become a money driven band, that we only care about the least important things such as being on TV etc. WRONG.
You Me At Six touring:
We started a label with our management so we could be as independent as possible. We did this so we could make decisions like keeping our ticket prices down. When booking our October tour, one of the biggest disagreements had between us and others was, money. We were being advised to make the ticket prices high, thus charging you more, so we could make more money. We wouldn't allow it. The Take Off Your Colours tour is a celebration of our album being released, and we want as many of you there as possible, and we refuse to jerk you guys around just so we can live and easier life. We try and tour as regularly as we can ( granted it's only in the UK at the moment, that'll be changing as soon as possible due to us wanting to tour the world) so we can stay in contact with you all, meet new people, reminisce with the old, we love it! We love chilling with people that like our band, it makes us feel like Bruce Wayne but not as rich. We also don't wear masks, should we?
You Me At Six being on TV:
A few of you have made remarks such as 'It sucks you're on Kerrang so much, because you're just going to blow up and everyone will like you'. First things first, we started getting coverage on TV because of you guys!!! Do you think the likes of Kerrang and Scuzz would've cared about our band unless people we're tuning on to our myspace page and coming to shows? Hell no!
Seriously, I understand what you mean. When I first heard of a band called Paramore ( You know, the band that headlined GIAN festival, one of the BIGGEST BANDS IN THE WORLD) I wouldn't let any of my friends borrow their cd, and I hated the thought of them getting big, because I wanted them to be my band, the band only I knew about. Looking back on that now I think to myself, 'What was wrong with you!?!?'
If you genuinely love a band and their music, then surely you want them to succeed, especially if it means they'll be able to keep releasing albums and what not.
So if next time you tune into Mtv2, or Kerrang and you see our video, try not to think 'This sucks, they're on TV which means they're sell outs' try and think ' This rules! I like this band and they're doing well for themselves, fair play amigo!'
So i wanted to reassure you all of a few things:
- We as people have not changed. Sure we've got a little older but we're still the same dudes you met at that show that time, so keep coming to hang out with us.
- We try and stay in contact with as many people as possible, so don't give up on us if we don't reply to your first mail.
- Don't be angry if you see us on TV or playing on a big stage, if you like our band, screw what people are saying and think. They are just pissed off because you've got a rad taste in music….muhahahaha!
- Josh, Matt, Max, Dan and Chris can't wait to see you all in October for the TOYC tour, let the hang outs commence!
- Please do not forget, that our band is where it is today because of the people that have supported it. We don't take it for granted, and you know we don't, so lets not pretend otherwise. We think you're so god damn sexy.
That's it, this blog has come to an end, so to conclude, ignore the hearsay, it's all bull, you want to know something, ask us and we'll do our very best to get back to you"