Review: Reggie and the Full Effect/Leathermouth + Support - New York Highline Ballroom - 7th September 2008

Sunday’s are never usually the most exciting of evenings. Places are closed, and everyone usually stays in. Tonight is the reason to make statement change. Despite this being Reggie’s final tour, the line up speaks for itself.
Its 7pm and Warship hit the stage. The venue isn’t too busy but you are foolish to miss tonight’s display. They play an energetic half hour set comprised of a different selection of songs. The shocking statement is that they have only been together for four months.
Next up we have Leathermouth. A group made up of close friends, fronted by My Chemical Romance guitarist, Frank Iero. Despite the fact first two rows of fans are comprised of young females here to see the guitarist, do not let that put you off. Leathermouth play nothing but a short but incredible set. Iero has gone back to his hardcore-punk roots, and exceeds everyone’s expectations. Two songs in, you get lost in the music. Songs such as ‘Body Snatchers for ever’ and ‘Murder Was The Case They Gave Me’ go down like a treat. The only complaint is that we have no album out to till later this year.
Tonight’s main support comes from MC Chris. Rapping about being a nerd and selections about him never seeing women’s genitalia seem humorous but the novelty wares off after the first five minutes. The crowd seem to enjoy the rapper and gets a warm homecoming reception.
After announcing this is the last Reggie and the Full Effect tour, anticipations are nothing but high. James Dewees, sporting a mummy outfit to reveal a shirt and boxers once launching into the set. With classics such as ‘FOOD’ and ‘Congratulations Smack and Katy’ and people handing him drinks during the set, the crowd go nuts. Despite earlier on the tour speaking about the ‘reunion of The Get Up Kids’ and ‘Reggie will be touring again’, nothing is spoken of tonight. For an encore they come back onstage sporting blonde wigs, flannel shirts and introducing themselves as a grunge rock band from Seattle then call it a night.
You can easily tell this tour is not about making money by ‘cashing in on a farewell tour’. It is about group of friends doing what they love best. Everyone is helping each other out. MC Chris came out and sang with Reggie, Leathermouth’s Frank Iero played bass for their set as well as Warship's Francis Mark on drums. Whether is being to a full house or a crowd of 10 people, they probably wouldn’t of cared as they all had friends and family enjoying tonight’s festivities.
Tonight’s show at the end just leaves you confused and wondering what is happening in the world of Reggie and the Full Effect? Your going to have to ask James Dewees himself.