Maylene And The Sons Of Disaster Studio Update

"Hey guys it has been a while since I (Kelly) have been on. What a week! We finished 5 and a half new songs and today we start recording them to see what they might sound like. I for one am excited to show you, the fans what Maylene and the new lineup has come up with. Further more it allows us to be that much closer to bringing to you the fans some good old fashion "Southern Rock". I can't give away too much but it has allot of Classic Rock feel with a modern twist. We felt as a band we wanted to revisit some of those classic records and reflect what they have and still mean to us. Don't worry for all you metal heads we have a some songs that will hopefully surprise you and make you smile!!
On a side note I wanted to mention our new 3rd touring guitarist Jake Duncan. He has become a great friend and has allot to offer the band. You will see him out with us on the new tour in a few weeks. We hope to make him part of the Maylene family so please everyone make him feel welcomed when you see him. Thanks again to all of you the fans for supporting us in our time of change and growth. It shows us who are fans are and hopefully it will bring new ones to the table with this next record. This is all for God our father and you the fans.......God Bless"