Alter The Press!


Idiot Pilot Post Studio Update

Daniel Anderson from Washington duo, Idiot Pilot has given an update about the band's recent activities. He said:
"At some point or another we asked someone, other than ourselves, to fix up our myspace profile and make it look good. Apparently they thought that meant putting a massive list of random shit scrolling for miles down our page. Well, I think that it's time I did a little clean up of my own, sorry about that folks.

Everyone says that it's very important to keep the fans up to date with what is going on, and lord knows we try. If you are looking for some sort of Idiot Pilot related fix I (Daniel Anderson) have a blog at It's not 100% Idiot Pilot related, not even close, but in the interest of keep your interest I would love for you guys to check it out.

We are really just recording like crazy, and the fruits of that are going to be indescribable in text. I think you guys will just have to wait and hear it, but I promise you that your surprise alone will be worth the wait."

Alter The Press!