Album Review: Bring Me The Horizon - Suicide Season

This is album number 2 for the Sheffield 5-Piece, made up of Oli Sykes on vocals, Lee Malia on lead guitar, Curtis Ward on rhythm guitar, Matt Kean and Matt Nicholls on bass and drums respectively. 'Suicide Season' sees the band having a point to prove and taking a somewhat different musical direction, to 2006's Count Your Blessings, which was mainly a deathcore record.
'Suicide Season' sees the band taking a more experimental approach by incorporating drum samples and guest vocalists in the form of JJ Peters of Deez Nuts, Sam Carter of Architects. The album starts off with lead off single 'The Comedown', which the band picking up where they left off, with pounding drums, sharp guitars and Sykes' vocals sounding more raw yet distinguishable. 'Chelsea Smile' shows the band display better song structure, which is also shown in 'It Was Written In Blood' and 'Sleep With One Eye Open'.
Nevertheless 'No Need For Introductions, I've Read About Girls Like You On The Backs Of Toilet Doors' sees the band being as fast and angry as ever. The highlight track of the album is 'The Sadness Will Never End', a song that starts atmospheric before the tracks pulls you in by the neck with Sykes and Sam Carter having a shouting match before going into a somewhat catchy chorus, for Bring Me The Horizon standards and could possibly be mistaken for an Alexisonfire or Atreyu song. The album closes with the title track which sounds like the world is about to end (or maybe because it's Suicide Season?), however at 8 minutes long, the track sees the band using both heavy and soft elements and closes the album well.
'Suicide Season' much like the band, will have a split opinion. Some will be surprised by the band's more structured and improved sound, whilst some will hate it and will plead for the band's "br00tal" sound to return. However this won't happen, as 'Suicide Season' shows the band has matured and progressed as a whole, with Sykes vocals and Malia's riffs being examples of this.